Bruges to Amsterdam using a Thalys train

Amsterdam to Bruges by train - with a coffee or beer at the railway cathedral that is Antwerp Central

Buy Thalys train tickets

Amsterdam to Bruges from €31.50,

You can travel from Amsterdam to Bruges by train in as little as 2h46 with departures every hour or so.  Train is the safe & comfortable way to go!  If you're going in the other direction (Bruges to Amsterdam), click here.

How to check times & buy tickets

The 5 options

Which should you choose?

Which option do I recommend?

How much does it cost?

Route map

Amsterdam to Bruges train route map


Click for larger map

Highlighted = Amsterdam to Bruges train route.

Red = high-speed line.

European Rail Timetable and mapReproduced from the excellent European Rail Map with kind permission of the European Rail Timetable people.

I recommend buying a copy of the European Rail Map for your travels, with shipping worldwide.

What are the trains like?

1.  Amsterdam to Antwerp or Brussels by Eurostar (formerly Thalys) high-speed train.

These trains travel at up to 300km/h (186 mph).  They are air-conditioned and carpeted, with free WiFi, power sockets at all seats & a cafe-bar, see more about Eurostar (formerly Thalys).  However, a ticket for a Eurostar commits you to a specific train, with a seat reservation automatically included.  The cheaper tickets mean no refunds and no changes to travel plans.  Thalys fares are cheap if you book in advance, but expensive if you buy on or near your departure date.

A Thalys train from Amsterdam to Paris

A Eurostar (formerly Thalys) at Amsterdam Centraal.  See panorama photos inside these trainsMore info on Eurostar (formerly Thalys).

1st class (Comfort & Premium) seating on Thalys   2nd class seats on a Thalys train from Paris to Amsterdam

Comfort & Premium seats, 2+1 across car width.  Larger photo.


Standard seats, 2+2 across.  Larger photo.

...or by Intercity (IC) train

The Amsterdam-Antwerp-Brussels IC trains are comfortable enough, though not as comfy as Eurostar and there's no WiFi or catering so bring your own food & drink.  There are no seat reservations, you sit where you like.  There are power sockets in 1st class, but not in 2nd.  These IC trains now use the high-speed line between Amsterdam & Antwerp, but only at up to 160 km/h (100 mph) and they make more stops so they're slower than Eurostar.  But they're much more flexible as tickets are good for any IC train that day (miss one, catch the next one!) and you can stop off to see Antwerp or Rotterdam for a few hours if you like.  Tickets are affordable even on the day and the regular fare cannot sell out, so there's no need to nail your plans to the floor months in advance as with Eurostar.

InterCity train at Brussels

An InterCity train at Brussels Midi, jointly run by NS & SNCB (Dutch & Belgian railways.

2nd class seats on an Amsterdam to Brussels InterCity train   1st class seats on an Amsterdam to Brussels InterCity train

InterCity train 2nd class seats.  See larger photo.


InterCity train 1st class seats.  See larger photo.

2. Antwerp or Brussels to Bruges by Belgian Intercity (IC) train...

1st & 2nd class with air-conditioning, luggage racks, toilets.  There's no catering on board, so bring your own supplies.

Belgian intercity train from Brussels to Bruges

A Belgian intercity (IC) train at Antwerp Central platform 1 bound for Ghent, Bruges & Oostende.

2nd class 1st class

2nd class seats.  Larger photo.

1st class seats.  Larger photo.

Tips for changing trains in Antwerp

Antwerp Central station exterior   Antwerp Central station interior

The beautiful Antwerp Central station, built between 1895 & 1905.  Larger photo.


Upper levels with platforms 6, 5, 4 on the left, platforms 3, 2, 1 out of shot to the right, main retail floor in the foreground.

Antwerp Central station interior   Antwerp Central station interior of main hall

Here you can see platforms 1-6 above, I'm standing on the main retail level, the next level down is platforms 11-14.  Platforms 22 & 23 are out of shot below the lower escalators.  Larger photo.

Antwerp Central's beautiful main hall.  Make sure you see this between trains!  The Royal Cafe is inside this main hall, the ideal place for a coffee or more.  Larger photo.

Royal Cafe, Antwerp Central

The cafe is inside the station and can be accessed from the main hall.  There's a bar, or table service for coffee, beer & snacks.  See

Royal Cafe, Antwerp Central station   Royal Cafe, Antwerp Central station

Tips for changing trains in Brussels:  See Brussels Midi station guide.

Recommended hotel in Bruges

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