A Thalys train from Brussels to Amsterdam

Amsterdam to Brussels by train

Buy train tickets from Amsterdam to Brussels

small bullet point  General information for train travel in Europe

small bullet point  Trains from Amsterdam to other cities

small bullet point  Trains from Brussels to other cities

small bullet point  Trains between other cities

small bullet point  Brussels Midi/Zuid/South station guide

small bullet point  Amsterdam Centraal station guide

A choice of two train services

The best way from Amsterdam to Brussels (or Brussels to Amsterdam) is by train.  You've a choice of two different train services, the all-reserved Eurostar (formerly Thalys) high-speed trains or the slower but cheaper more flexible Intercity trains.  I explain the pros & cons of each train below.

small bullet point  Option 1, Amsterdam-Brussels by high-speed Eurostar - fastest & most comfortable.

small bullet point  Option 2, Amsterdam-Brussels by Intercity train - slower, more flexible, cheaper at short notice.

small bullet point  Amsterdam-Brussels train route map

Option 1, Amsterdam to Brussels by Eurostar

The fastest & most comfortable way

How much does it cost?

How to buy tickets

A Thalys train from Amsterdam to Brussels

A Eurostar at Amsterdam Centraal 360° interior photosMore about Eurostar (formerly Thalys).

1st class (Comfort & Premium) seating on an Amsterdam-Brussels Thalys   2nd class seats on a Thalys train from Amsterdam to Brussels

Comfort/Premium seats, 2+1 across car width.  Larger photo.


Standard seats, 2+2 across car width.  Larger photo.

Crossing the Moerdijk Bridge over the Hollands Diep between Amsterdam and Brussels

The train crosses the Moerdijk Bridge over the Hollands Diep one lazy evening, between Rotterdam & Antwerp.

Option 2, Amsterdam to Brussels by InterCity train

Slower, but more flexible

How much does it cost?

How to buy tickets

InterCity train from Brussels to Amsterdam

An InterCity train to Amsterdam at Brussels Midi, jointly run by NS & SNCB (Dutch & Belgian railways).

2nd class on an Amsterdam to Brussels InterCity train   1st class on an Amsterdam to Brussels InterCity train

InterCity train 2nd class.  See larger photo.


InterCity train 1st class.  See larger photo.

InterCity train to Brussels at Amsterdam Centraal

An InterCity train from Brussels arrives at Amsterdam Centraal.  There's a locomotive at both ends.

Route map

Amsterdam to Brussels train route map


Click for larger map

Highlighted = Amsterdam to Brussels train route.

Red = high-speed line.

Both Eurostar & Intercity trains use the high-speed line, shown in red.  However, the IC trains go into Breda and Brussels Airport stations, changing direction in both cases.  The Eurostar trains by-pass Breda & Brussels airport, with no change of direction.

European Rail Timetable and map

Reproduced from the excellent European Rail Map with kind permission of the European Rail Timetable people.

I recommend buying a copy of the European Rail Map for your travels, www.europeanrailtimetable.eu with shipping worldwide.

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